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Ground Bearing Raft Foundations Bourne Street with SPEEDECK Foundations

10 Environmental Benefits of Ground Bearing Raft Foundations

What are ground-bearing rafts? Ground-bearing rafts are large concrete slabs directly connected to the ground below which offer cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly alternatives to piling foundations. Explore the intricacies and advantages of ground-bearing rafts as a foundation choice below, providing essential insights into why they are the top environmental choice for energy-efficient foundation construction. Explore […]

In this article we'll be discussing:

What are ground-bearing rafts?

Ground-bearing rafts are large concrete slabs directly connected to the ground below which offer cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly alternatives to piling foundations.

Ground Bearing Raft Foundations with SPEEDECK Foundations

Explore the intricacies and advantages of ground-bearing rafts as a foundation choice below, providing essential insights into why they are the top environmental choice for energy-efficient foundation construction.

Explore the ten environmental benefits of Ground Bearing Raft Foundations

  1. Low Excavation Requirements: Ground-bearing rafts need minimal excavation compared to traditional foundation methods. This not only reduces the disruption to the natural landscape but also decreases the release of greenhouse gases associated with excavation machinery.
  2. Resource Efficiency: By optimising material usage, ground-bearing rafts contribute to resource conservation. These foundations require less concrete and steel, which are both resource-intensive materials with significant environmental footprints. For instance, in a commercial development project, the adoption of ground-bearing rafts could lead to a 20% reduction in concrete consumption, resulting in significant savings and environmental benefits for the project.
  3. Energy-Efficient Construction: Ground-bearing rafts are designed to reduce energy consumption throughout construction. This includes reduced energy requirements for excavation, transportation, and installation compared to alternative foundation systems.
  4. Groundwater Preservation: The shallow nature of ground-bearing rafts minimises disruption to groundwater flow, preserving the integrity of local aquifers and water tables. This is particularly beneficial in areas where groundwater resources are sensitive or limited. Within urban redevelopment projects, the implementation of ground-bearing rafts can prevent groundwater contamination and ensure the sustainability of nearby water sources.
  5. Sustainable Material Integration: Modern ground-bearing rafts can incorporate eco-friendly materials such as recycled aggregates and alternative binders. By using sustainable materials, these foundations contribute to reducing the environmental impact of construction activities.
  6. Thermal Regulation: Ground-bearing rafts offer inherent thermal mass benefits, contributing to building energy efficiency. By moderating temperature fluctuations, these foundations reduce the need for mechanical heating and cooling systems, resulting in energy savings and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  7. Land Reusability: Ground-bearing rafts minimise the disturbance to the land, allowing for the preservation of natural habitats and ecosystems. This promotes the potential for land reuse and redevelopment without the need for extensive remediation efforts.
  8. Transportation Efficiency: With fewer materials and waste generated during construction, ground-bearing rafts reduce transportation requirements and associated emissions. By reducing the need for transportation of heavy materials such as concrete and steel, these foundations contribute to a more sustainable construction process.
  9. Soil Optimisation: Ground-bearing rafts utilise the existing soil conditions, eliminating the need for additional fill materials and excavation. This reduces construction costs, preserves valuable topsoil, and prevents soil erosion.
  10. Contamination Risk Reduction: In areas with soil contamination concerns, ground-bearing rafts offer a safer alternative to deeper foundation systems. By avoiding extensive excavation and disturbance of contaminated soil layers, these foundations reduce the risk of hazardous material exposure and environmental contamination.

Ground Bearing Raft Foundations Bourne Street with SPEEDECK Foundations


In summary, ground-bearing rafts offer numerous environmental benefits across various facets of construction, creating a more energy-efficient foundation construction. They decrease excavation requirements, conserve resources, and promote energy efficiency throughout the construction process. Please explore our case study at Crossways in Oxfordshire which utilised this foundation style.

Ground-bearing raft foundations emerge as a holistic solution for environmentally conscious construction projects, fostering sustainability while meeting structural requirements for building foundations.


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