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Groundworks and Specilisms

SPEEDECK provide a full range of groundworks and civil engineering services, as expected from a design and build foundations specialist. This includes site enabling works, selecting the most economic foundation scheme, roads, drainage and service work to footpaths and external paving.

We also offer a range of specialist solutions for ground instability, including heave protection, which is assessed on a project by project basis.

All work is undertaken with the highest degree of professionalism, applying high levels of quality to ensure our client’s expectations are met.


Our Groundworks Services include constructing sub-structure elements, floor slabs, void former, heave protection and getting the ground ready for above ground construction.


Accurate installation of drainage is one of the core services of any groundworks contractor. However, few drainage schemes are installed as designed. SPEEDECK work as part of your extended team, proactively making recommendations to design out potential clashes to facilitate efficient site progress.


Voided Foundations

At SPEEDECK, we implement voided foundations when addressing heave-related risks such as those caused by tree root action. In areas with shrinkable clay soils, tree roots can extract moisture, leading to ground shrinkage, or after tree removal, the soil may reabsorb water and expand, causing heave.

A voided foundation creates a protective gap between the structure and the ground, isolating it from soil movement. This solution is used only when necessary to prevent structural damage, ensuring long-term stability and durability. By incorporating void formers, we design a foundation that efficiently manages ground movement without unnecessary over-engineering.

Our expert geotechnical and structural engineers assess each site to determine the most efficient, cost-effective, and tailored foundation approach, ensuring that voided foundations are only applied where absolutely required.

Heave precautions for Bellway Homes